Tag Archives: calla lily

Delicate Flower Focus and new pics coming from new wide angle lens!!

This was a flower I photographed in my studio, checking the lighting and playing with the depth of field. I really like how the shallow depth of field softened this lily… it came out well I thought! Anyways, another for my flower gallery- www.kelleybard.com/flowers is the direct line, I believe…

This weekend I went on a photo journey. As with most of my explorations these days, it was a multi-task deal- I had a workshop I was attending in Boulder, CO so I brought my camera and shot photos like a madman in between! Lots of images that will be posted in the next months will be from this trip… fun fun fun! I also got a new wide angle lens after some serious thought (planned to purchase it later, but with the tsunami and subsequent product slowdowns from Japan, it seemed prudent. Or that was my excuse). I LOVE IT. Expect many horrible and hopefully some not so horrible photos in the future as I grow in understanding with this… it’s damn fun, though. And I’ll try to keep the horrible ones in the trashcan where they belong.

See more of my work from the links to the right… website, facebook, flickr, buzztown… I’m all over this thing!

Red Calla Lily- Form

One of my lighting tests… I love this color of Calla Lily, though. I don’t often leave my photos without a bit of white in there to give balance… this one is all dark and mid tones, though, and I like it just fine that way! I am going to be shooting a wedding with these colors this summer, and I can’t wait. Photoshop, with a touch of OnOne PhotoTools (and I’ll work on that review in the early part of next week), where I used a filter that gave just a touch more contrast and detail to the flower. Enjoy this piece of beauty!

Coming up tomorrow, I have a well-textured image of the sound between the Outer Banks and the Mainland… I’ve always liked this image and I finally finished it last night, so you guys will be the first to view it!

Enjoy more of my work at http://www.kelleybard.com and at my flickr and facebook pages (see links on this page).

Have a good weekend!